Work Auto Accident Checklist
If you are in an auto accident at work, follow these steps
If no one is injured or killed, and you can operate the vehicle safely, move your vehicle off of the street or highway. Do not leave the scene. Move the vehicle out of the path of traffic
If there is ANY sign of injury or ANY damage to property, however minor, call 911 and report the accident
Follow the 911 operator’s instructions
If there is any danger or injured person, get to safety, and do what you are told by emergency responders
Do not try to move any injured person, unless they are in further danger where they lay/sit
If it is safe to get out of your car, and you have a phone available, take photographs of the accident scene
Remain calm, do not argue, do not discuss who is at fault, do not accept fault, do not write or sign any document
After you, other driver(s) and any passenger(s) or other people are out of danger, Follow these steps:
Fill out a report with police on the scene.
Photograph or write down the police report number
After you and the other vehicle(s) and driver(s) are safe, follow these steps
Provide your license, vehicle registration and insurance information to the other driver
Photograph the license, vehicle registration and insurance information of the other driver. Email this to Luis and Brian later
If you do not have a phone to photograph this information, write it down. Include license number, name, insurance company, insurance policy number
Take photographs of
The accident scene
Your vehicle at and around any damage
The other vehicle(s) at and around any damage
After the accident is over, and you are no longer at the scene
Call Luis (backup call Brian if Luis unavailable), and report the accident
Answer all of Luis’ questions. Be as detailed as possible
If you are shaken, scared, nervous, or feel ill in any way, do not drive. Contact Luis (Brian, Greg, Agustin backup) to arrange for transportation
Things NOT to say after an accident
The less you say, the better
Do not discuss who is at fault with any person
Avoid discussing the accident with other driver(s) or passenger(s). You are not required to discuss the accident with them
Only report your experience to police, if they are on the scene
Do not haggle, argue, bargain or engage in any exchange like that with the other driver(s) or passenger(s)
Do not offer money or make assessments to any person, under any circumstance
Examples of Things that are okay to say to other driver(s) or passenger(s), IF needed
“Are you injured? Do you need help?” (if yes to either of these, call 911)
“Yes I have insurance”
“I do not want to discuss the accident” (if you are asked)